Many horror movies nowadays rely on excessive gore and flashy special effects to scare their audiences. However, they often lose the real essence of horror – the atmosphere building and unexpected twist. That’s why I think The Dead Room is one of the most underrated horror movies of recent years.
The Dead Room is a 2015 New Zealand horror film directed by Jason Stutter, who co-wrote it with Kevin Stevens. The Dead Room was inspired by the 1970s urban legend of a haunted farmhouse in Central Otago, New Zealand. It stars Jed Brophy, Jeffrey Thomas, and Laura Petersen as ghost hunters who are hired to determine if a house is haunted.
The movie has a low budget and a simple premise, but it uses them to its advantage. The movie starts slow and only from 30 minutes enters the “horror” parts, but this movie successfully builds up the atmosphere without any special effects. The movie relies on sound design, camera work, and the actors’ performances to create tension and suspense.
The movie also has a clever twist at the end that I won’t spoil here, but it makes you rethink everything you’ve seen before. The movie doesn’t explain everything and leaves some room for interpretation, which I think adds to its appeal.
The Dead Room is a highly recommended movie for horror fans who appreciate subtle scares and smart storytelling. It’s a refreshing change from the typical Hollywood horror flicks that are all style and no substance.
Watch The Dead Room Trailer